
What Are Wholefoods?

by | Lunch and Dinner


Wholefoods are real food.Real foods are wholefood.

What are wholefoods?

What are wholefoods?

Whatever way you put it, wholefoods are food in its most natural state or whole, just how nature intended it. 

Wholefoods have had as little processing as possible, with as little nutrients removed. 

I like to call wholefoods ‘real food’. They’re both exactly the same thing – but for me, it really helps draw the line of what is ‘real’ and what is not. After all, pretty much anything that’s in a packet with a label has had some kind of processing done to it and its ‘real-ness’ has been stripped.

Processing a food is not only about taking away from its whole state, but it’s adding ‘stuff’ in too. When you walk the supermarket isles, the majority (like 90%) is processed food. The goodness has been taken away and the processed ingredients have been added. This makes the product cheaper to make, it will last longer on the shelf and they hope you think it still tastes great. 

Wholefoods are foods that our grandma’s and generations before them used to make.

There’s a really cool quote saying “if your grandma wouldn’t recognise it as food, then it’s not”. 

Real food (wholefood) is: 







Legumes and beans 


Natural yoghurt would be the real food version of yoghurt – skip the flavoured stuff and add your own fruit for flavour. 

Brown rice would be the real food version of rice. White rice was once brown rice but it has been processed to remove its outer husk, changing its colour and stripping it off all its goodness that our bodies need to thrive.

I created this simple guide for a few

healthy wholefood swaps

you could try the next time you go shopping. Start with one and build up your tastebuds as you go. 

 No matter what diet you follow there’s one thing that all diets agree on:  

eat real food, eat wholefoods, eat food in its most natural state. 

If you’ve been following Lunch Lady Lou for a while you’d know we’re all about real food and wholefood that makes us feel great both inside and out.

Did you find this useful? Share with someone who would benefit from knowing a bit more about real food.

Share your tips on eating real food by leaving a comment below. 

Have a question? 

Email Lou!

Lunch Lady Lou

Lunch Lady Lou


Hey I'm Lou

Hey, I’m Lou

Lover of crispy bacon, homemade popcorn and Mama to BJ.  I’m here to empower you to cook delicious and doable meals for the modern day – even when you’re busy.

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