
OMG it feels like Christmas.
you are *ALMOST* in! you need to do this 👇👇👇

A family photo of Lou, Pete and BJ at Christmas time a few years ago

there’s One more step

  1. You need to confirm your subscription or I can’t send you what you asked for. 
  2. Go to your email and find the one from me lou@lunchladylou.com.au
    Subject: You need to confirm your subscription first (it might be in spam or promo’s).
  3. Click the blue button in the email. It says ‘You need to confirm your subscription first’ 

    ONCE YOU’VE DONE THIS 👆 THE GUIDE YOU REQUESTED WILL DROP INTO YOUR INBOX. If it’s not there, contact us and we’ll fix it.


AND ONE MORE THING… add lou@lunchladylou.com.au to your contacts list or drag my email into your main inbox. So you see my updates.