

beet chips.jpg


How to make beetroot chips

If you have a mandolin or veggie slicer and you’re unsure what to do with it, make these chips.Delicious. Warm. Crunchy. Crispy. A great salad topper, side to a main meal, a healthy snack or just because. 


  • 1 beetroot

  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil, melted

  • A few sprigs of rosemary, chopped

  • Salt

  • Pepper


  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees, leave your oven trays in so they heat up.

  • Thinly slice your beets using a mandolin or veggie slicer or your superb knife skills – note the thinner the better folks.

  • Place beet slices in a bowl and coat with coconut oil and rosemary.

  • Carefully remove your oven trays and line with baking paper.

  • Arrange beets on baking trays making sure they don’t overlap.

  • Bake in oven for approx 20 minutes. They will crisp up once removed from the oven. I remove them, leave them to rest for a few minutes and test which are crispy done and put the others back in the oven for another few minutes. There’s a super fine line between beautifully cooked and burnt, don’t say you haven’t been warned!


Hey I'm Lou

Hey, I’m Lou

Lover of crispy bacon, homemade popcorn and Mama to BJ.  I’m here to empower you to cook delicious and doable meals for the modern day – even when you’re busy.

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