
We’re day 5 into 2014 and 4 days into ‘7 easy ways to detox without having to detox’ series. I’ve seen more people out running in the morning, more people walking during the day, more declarations on Facebook about living a clean 2014.

Will they stick? Well, I hope so. But one thing I’ve found with changing my own habits is small incremental steps work best. It takes 28 days to change a habit. Thats 28 days of consistently doing what you’ve promised to do, otherwise it’s so easy to slip.

This is why the 7 steps I’m showing you this week are so easy to implement. It’s only one meal. If you can consistently for 28 days make an effort to create 1 very healthy meal, the rest will start to flow, I promise.

What to expect by day 7

  • Happier mood

  • Increased energy

  • Clearer skin

Is that enough of a reason to keep going?

DAY 4 – 7 easy ways to detox without having to detox

Have I mentioned this takes 5 minutes to make? Its cold, refreshing, creamy, fruitty and will satisfy your after dinner dessert craving.

There are 2 ingredients – maybe three if you wish, but its not necessary. Sound too good to be true?


ANTIOXIDANT packed. Everyone knows blueberries are good for you. They’re sweet and the deep blue colour is addictive but deceiving. When blended they create a vibrant pinky/purple colour you just know you’re eating a bowl full of health.Blueberries are brain power boosting, cancer fighting, heart protecting and anti ageing to name a few. They can be fairly expensive to buy frozen, so when I see fresh punnets on special I buy in bulk and freeze for later.


Yoghurt can be a tricky thing to buy. The market is saturated with SO MANY varieties a lot of them contain almost as much sugar as a packet of lollies – but how do you know what to buy? Check the ingredients label and buy a GREEK, WHOLE MILK or NATURAL yoghurt with the following ingredients only.

  • Whole milk

  • Live cultures A (Acidophilus), B (Bifidus) and C (Casei)

Whole milk is important as it contains less sugar and the appropriate natural amount of fat. To make a yoghurt or milk skim, they remove fat and replace it with sugars.Yoghurt is a great addition to anyone’s diet. It is a source of protein and a fermented food which is so important to maintain gut health. The live cultures I mentioned above create a positive gut flora and remove bad bacteria which inhabits the gut from eating highly processed foods and alcohol. 

Blueberry Sorbet

Serves 2


  • 1/4 cup yoghurt (whole milk, greek or coconut)

  • 1 punnet of frozen blueberries (approx 1 cup)

  • OPTIONAL sweeteners: 1 date, 1 teaspoon raw honey or maple syrup


  1. Add yoghurt then berries to blender

  2. Blend for 30 seconds on high until combined

How are you going with your New Year’s no detox plan so far? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

So far in the 7 easy ways to detox without having to detox…


Hey I'm Lou

Hey, I’m Lou

Lover of crispy bacon, homemade popcorn and Mama to BJ.  I’m here to empower you to cook delicious and doable meals for the modern day – even when you’re busy.

can’t find time to cook? this is for you.. it’s free!

The Meal Matrix is a free downloadable guide to help you create effortless meal ideas and flavour combinations

Download Your Free Meal Prep Guide Here.