
DAY 7 – 7 easy ways to detox without having to detox

by | Lunch and Dinner


Honestly, I was a bit nervous to tackle this post.On one hand, how can you top yesterdays 2 minute chocolate mousse?

If you haven’t read yesterdays post, or any other in the ‘7 easy ways to detox without having to detox‘ series there are links to each post at the bottom of this page.

On the other hand, I kind of didn’t want to give the recipe away. I have spent a lot of hours making this dish, in a few different parts of the world too. The ingredients are simple and maybe you have your own version. But I find they never have the right amount of garlic or they’re too oily or not cooked properly or pumped full of junk to make them taste OK.

In the spirit of giving and healthy eating, you are getting the real deal of how to make these and impress everyone who enters your house.


Mushrooms are a health powerhouse. They have long been around in Chinese medicine and are up there on many naturopaths list as one of the best suplements to take.

  • High in Vitamin D – they are the only non-animal source to produce Vitamin D when exposed to the sun and most types provide you with your daily requirement of Vitamin D

  • High in antioxidants – which means they’re cancer fighting champions

  • Lower risks of diabetes

  • Low GI

  • Great for your heart

  • Lower your chances of developing gout (which is caused by eating processed foods that turn your body acidic)

  • Immune boosting

  • Great for keeping your skin clear and your hair shiny

Their flavour is so unique. On their own they taste great. But they complement and add a different layer to any delicious sauce you can make. 

My favourite garlic mushies

Serves 2


  • Mushrooms – any type is fine, variety is always nice think – buttons, cups, flats, portebello, swiss brown, enoki. Remember, they reduce a lot. For 2 people I would usually measure a standard sized dinner plate.

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • 1 tablespoon oil – coconut/butter/ghee

  • A nice handful of any woody herbs you have available – rosemary and thyme are great

  • 1/4 cup bone broth or stock, you can use water

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • OPTIONAL: 2 tablespoons honey


  1. Heat a frying pan on high

  2. Add oil and heat

  3. Chop your garlic and add to pan, let this cook for 1 minute

  4. Add herbs

  5. Chop your mushrooms into different sized chunks – you can leave some whole too depening on what you use

  6. Mix mushroom/garlic mixture making sure you coat each side of the mushrooms

  7. Lightly season with salt and pepper

  8. After about 5 minutes the mushrooms will be nicely cooked and a little brown

  9. Add stock, then honey (if you’re using) reduce heat and simmer until the liquid creates a nice garlic sauce

  10. Serve as a side to any meal or on a piece of lightly toasted rye

So far in the 7 easy ways to detox without having to detox…


Hey I'm Lou

Hey, I’m Lou

Lover of crispy bacon, homemade popcorn and Mama to BJ.  I’m here to empower you to cook delicious and doable meals for the modern day – even when you’re busy.

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