
I have $20 recipe book: a guide to cooking on a budget



I have $20! a guide to cooking AND EATING healthy food on a budget

A GUIDE TO RECIPES THAT ARE CHEAP TO MAKE. Whether you’re broke AF or money conscious. This is food frugality back in fashion. Welcome to ‘giving a fuck about the money you earn and what you put in your body.



In this guide YOU WILL LEARN

✔ 13 delicious recipes and techniques – you can take and apply to anything you’d like to cook.

✔ Practical tips to reduce your food bill, so you can spend money on things that matter.

✔ My fool proof guide to building a delicious meal – without a recipe and even when you’re busy!

✔ The lowdown on why seasonal eating is the key to reducing your food bill
and adding flavour to your meal.

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